Spot of price gold Mean

Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

The spot gold, the current market price or it can be said that the price based on the price of futures contracts. Futures contracts traded on gold spot futures markets in different countries. These futures contracts are standardized in terms of lot size, delivery between the seller and buyer. It means that the seller delivers the goods and the means the buyer will receive the product at a fixed price for the future. Futures markets provide a single point for trade with the main products of the country. The products can also lower the energy sector, crude oil, natural gas. It cans also cereals such as wheat, corn and soybeans and metals such as iron, copper, lead and zinc.


Future exchanges also deal in gold prices, silver, platinum, other precious metals, after the futures market for each month of the year. This means a contract for delivery in June is available all year round. The basic configuration of the gold price market of the future is that producers and consumers to determine the offer price guarantees for goods, which is under contract. Spot gold price fluctuates according to supply and demand. Futures contracts are used to hedge risk of changes in the price of gold. Enter into other market speculators who want to risk: the risk that the insurer seeks to avoid.

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